The De Luca Foundation is pleased to announce Dr. Jose Manresa of the National University of Entre Rios (Argentina), and Dr. Leonardo Elias of the University of Campinas (Brazil) as the latest recipients of Mobile EMG equipment, as part of our ongoing Equipment Donation Initiative.
Dr. Manresa will be receiving a Hand Performance Monitor to assess quantitative changes in muscle function and strength while experiencing muscle pain using thermal stimuli.
Dr. Elias will be receiving a Hand Performance Monitor, to evaluate motor performance of patients with neuromuscular diseases undergoing different therapies.
All donated EMG equipment is provided courtesy of Delsys, Inc.
The De Luca Foundation has a total of 12 Mobile EMG packages to donate to researchers, clinicians, and educators in need, in order to develop their area of expertise using simple, yet powerful, mobile tools and technologies.
We are accepting applications for equipment donation on an ongoing monthly basis, with each round closing on the 15th of each month. To submit an application, please visit the 2020 Equipment Donation Initiative page.