The 3rd Symposium on Motor Control in Biomechanics at ACSM 2016, Boston (USA) was held on Tuesday May 31st 2016 on the pre-conference day of the Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) in Boston, USA.
The Initiative, organized by prof. Carlo J. De Luca and the ISB Working Group in Motor Control, featured internationally renowned speakers in the field of Motor Control and Biomechanics.
Prof. Carlo De Luca opened the session by introducing the importance of bridging the fields of Motor Control and Biomechanics to a packed audience.
High-level scientific presentation followed, including a lecture from Prof. Irene Davis (Spaulding National Running Center, USA) on gait retraining to reduce injury risk in runners; a talk from Prof. Jim Richards (University of Central Lancashire, UK) on proprioceptive interventions to change neuromuscular control; and one from Dr. Joshua Kline (Delsys Inc.) on oscillatory contraction strategies to alter motor unit firing behavior. Prof. Joseph Hamill (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) provided fascinating insights into running mechanics. Prof. Jason DeFreitas (Oklahoma State University, USA) showed exciting new data on assessing motor unit adaptations with training. Alessio Puleo (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) presented a simulation study that challenges the commonly accepted notion of central fatigue.