Delsys, Altec, and the De Luca Foundation thank the engineering students from Boston University, University of Rhode Island, University of Connecticut and Worcester Polytechnic Institute for attending their 1st open house on April 11, 2018, coinciding with the annual National Biomechanics Day.
Over 40+ students attended the open house that showcased engaging presentations from the commercial and R&D teams of Delsys and Altec.
Students interacted with the staff members of Delsys and Altec during live demo sessions involving:
Human-Machine Interfaces
Performance and movement disorder monitoring
Sub-vocal EMG assessment
Manufacturing processes behind Delsys technology
We thank the universities and departments for assisting us with the logistics and marketing efforts.
We also thank the 100+ students who had expressed interest in participating in this event. We hope to accommodate more students in the coming years.
Paola Contessa
De Luca Foundation