For student researchers who are looking to blend physiological sensing with extended reality to expand the boundaries of research
“The virtual world allows us to create expansive environments rapidly and observe how human behavior changes in these virtual environments.” – Dr. Sean Banerjee
of clinicians utilize telehealth in their rehabilitation practices.
of those clinicians report that traditional telehealth does not provide sufficient physical data.
The Focus
Seed for Science is an annual initiative, designed to support the brightest student researchers in health and movement science-related fields. This year, the De Luca Foundation will select four winners who will advance science by conducting novel research to explore applications of physiological sensing in virtual and augmented reality. Winners will receive funding and equipment to complete their research during a six-month fellowship.
Application Areas:
Human-Computer Interactions
Digital Twinning
Our Goal: To blend physiological sensing with extended reality to expand the boundaries of research
Seed for Science provides students with the platform to lead cutting-edge research and establish new frontiers in health and movement science-related fields.
Selected candidates will work with a principal investigator at their institution to complete a six-month fellowship. As a part of their fellowship, each winner will receive a $20,000 stipend and Trigno EMG equipment provided by Delsys to complete their project.
Winners will also earn the opportunity to visit Delsys Headquarters, located in Boston, USA, to present their work and learn first-hand from leading researchers.

Applicant Eligibility
If you answer YES to these questions, then you are eligible to apply for the Seed for Science initiative!
- Are you a student or post-doc who conducts research at a degree-conferring institution of higher learning?
- Are you interested in bringing physiological data into an extended reality environment?
- Do you have experience programming VR and AR applications within Unity?
- Would you like to conduct novel research and help integrate EMG into new applications?
Application Process
Design an innovative research proposal that makes use of the Delsys API to allow real-time streaming of EMG data into Unity. Your proposal should make use of this pathway to explore physiological data in a VR or AR environment.
Criteria for Evaluation
Research proposals will be evaluated based on their novelty, feasibility, and potential impact.
Application Opens: September 2nd, 2024
Deadline: December 2nd, 2024
Funding your Future
Four outstanding recipients will each win the following:
- $20,000 USD stipend*
- Trigno Lite System
- 4x Trigno Avanti EMG Sensor
- Trigno Lite Dongle
- Trigno Lite Charging Station
- Trigno Discover Software
*This will be paid to the institution and will be relayed to the winner in the form of a stipend.

Frequently Asked Questions
Students and post-docs who conduct research at a degree-conferring institution of higher learning may apply.
No, everyone must submit their own application.
There will be four winners selected.
Funding will be paid to the winner’s institution and relayed to the winner in the form of a stipend.
Yes, you must use all the equipment provided. You may include other measurements if they can be integrated realistically.
Applications will be reviewed by an internal review board.
The fellowship will take place at your institution.
Yes, the money can be used for any purpose pertaining to the research project.