The De Luca Foundation sponsored a symposium on “EMG Technologies and Applications: Bridging Robotics and Neural Control for Rehabilitation” on July 15th, 2018 in conjunction with the 2018 International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Technology (i-CREATe2018) in Shanghai, China.
The symposium featured internationally distinguished researchers whom are all established investigators in the fields of HMI, rehabilitation, and EMG technology (see flyer for details).
Sunil Agrawal (Columbia University, USA), “Robotics to Improve Posture and Gait”
Xingang Zhao (Shenyang Institute of Automation, China), Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction Technology and Its Application in Rehabilitation Robot”
Rong Song (Sun Yat-sen University, China), “Complexity Analysis of EMG Signals and Its Applications in Motor Function Evaluation for Patients after Stroke”
Ning Jiang (University of Waterloo, Canada), “Gesture Control with Single-element Ultrasound Signals: A Comparison with Single-Channel Surface Electromyogram”
Dingguo Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China), “Improve Myoelectric Control for Amputees through Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation”
Joshua Kline (Delsys Research Center, USA), “dEMG Motoneuron Measurements for Targeted Rehabilitation”
Xu Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China, China), “Post-stroke Neuromuscular Changes Revealed by Noninvasive Examination using Surface Electromyography”
Chuang Lin (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, China), “Continuous Myoelectric Control for the Prosthetic Upper Limb with Neural Network and Limited Samples”
The De Luca Foundation thanks the tremendous speakers for sharing their unique perspectives of the intersection of these fields; the i-CREATe2018 conference organizers for being gracious hosts; and all attendees for making the symposium a successful event.