- Basmajian JV and De Luca CJ. Muscles Alive (5th edition), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1985.
- Chapter 1 – Introduction
- Chapter 2 – Apparatus, Detection, and Recording Techniques
- Chapter 3 – Description and Analysis of the EMG Signal
- Chapter 4 – Decomposition of the EMG signal and Analysis of the Motor Unit Action Potentials Trains
- Chapter 5 – Control Properties of Motor Units
- Chapter 6 – Conscious Control and Training of Motor Units and Biofeedback
- Chapter 7 – EMG Signal Amplitude and Force
- Chapter 8 – Muscle Fatigue and Time-Dependent Parameters of the Surface EMG Signal
- De Luca CJ and Knaflitz M. Surface Electromyography, What’s New?, CLUT Publishers, Torino, Italy, 1992.
- De Luca CJ, Precision Decomposition of EMG Signals, “Methods in Clinical Neurophysiology”, Dantec Inc, 1993.
When I Think of Engineering, Boston University, College of Engineering Commencement Address, 1989
Technology, Society, and Changing Attitudes, Boston University, College of Engineering Commencement Address, 1988.
Engineering Education and Leadership: A Formula for the Future, Boston University, College of Engineering Commencement Address, 1987.
Original Reports
- Contessa P, De Luca CJ, Kline JC. The compensatory interaction between motor unit firing behavior and muscle force during fatigue. J Neurophysiol. Oct 2016. 1;116(4):1579-1585. doi: 10.1152/jn.00347.2016. PMID: 27385798. (PDF)
- Contessa P, Puleo A, De Luca CJ. Is the notion of central fatigue based on a solid foundation? J Neurophysiol February 2016 115:967-977. PMID: 26655823 (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Kline JC. The common input notion, conceived and sustained by conjecture. J Neurophysiol February 2016 115:1079-1080. PMID: 26905085 (PDF)
- Kline JC, De Luca CJ. Synchronization of Motor Unit Firings: An Epiphenomenon of Firing Rate Characteristics Not Common Inputs. J Neurophysiol. Oct 2015. PMID: 26490288. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Chang SS, Roy SH, Kline JC, Nawab SH. Decomposition of Surface EMG Signals from Cyclic Dynamic Contractions. J Neurophysiol vol. 113:1941-1951, 2015. PMID: 25540220 (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Nawab SH, Kline JC. Clarification of methods used to validate surface EMG decomposition algorithms as described by Farina et al. (2014). J Appl Physiol vol. 118(8):1084, 2015. PMID: 25878218 (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Contessa P. Biomechanical Benefits of the Onion-skin Motor Unit Control Scheme. Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 48(2): 195-203, 2014. PMID: 25527890 (PDF)
- Cole BT, Roy SH, De Luca CJ, Nawab SH. Dynamical Learning and Tracking of Tremor and Dyskinesia from Wearable Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 22 (5): 982-991, 2014. PMID: 24760943(PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Kline JC and Contessa P. Transposed firing activation of motor units. Journal of Neurophysiology 112: 962-970, 2014. PMID: 24899671 (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Kline JC. Statistically rigorous calculations do not support Common Input and Long-Term synchronization of motor unit firings. J Neurophysiol, vol. 112(11): 2729-44, 2014. PMID: 25210152 (PDF)
- Kline JC and De Luca CJ. Error Reduction in EMG Signal Decomposition.J Neurophysiol, vol. 112(11): 2718-28, 2014. PMID: 25210159 (PDF)
- Contessa P and De Luca CJ. Neural control of muscle force: Indications from a simulation model. Journal of Neurophysicology, 109(6):1548-1570, 2013. PMID: 23236008. (PDF)
- Roy SH, Cole BT, Gilmore LD, De Luca CJ, Thomas CA, Saint-Hilaire MM and Nawab SH. High-resolution tracking of motor disorders in Parkinson’s’ disease during unconstrained activity. Movement Disorders,28(8):1080-1087, 2013. PMID: 23520058. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Kline JC. Influence of proprioceptive feedback on the firing rate and recruitment of motorneurons. Journal of Neural Engineering, 9(1):016007, 2012. PMID: 22183300. (PDF)
- Zaheer F, Roy SH, De Luca CJ. Preferred sensor sites for surface EMG signal detection. Physiological Measurement, 33(2), 2012. PMID: 22260842. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Contessa P. Hierarchical control of motor units in voluntary contraction. Journal of Neurophysiology,107(1): 178-195, 2012. PMID: 21975447. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Kuznetsov M, Gilmore LD, and Roy SH. Inter-electrode spacing of surface EMG sensors: Reduction of crosstalk contamination during voluntary contractions. Journal of Biomechanics, 2011. PMID: 22169134. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Nawab SH. Reply to Farina and Enoka: The reconstruct-and-test approach is the most appropriate validation for surface EMG signal decomposition to date. Journal of Neurophysiology, 105: 983-984, 2011. PMID: 21304162. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Hostage EC. Relationship between firing rate and recruitment threshold of motoneurons in voluntary isometric contractions. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104: 1034-1046, 2010.PMID: 20554838. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Chang SS, and De Luca CJ. High-yield decomposition of surface EMG signals. Clinical Neurophysiology, October; 121 (10):1602-15, 2010. PMID: 20430694 (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Gilmore LD, Kuznetsov M, and Roy SH. Filtering the Surface EMG signal: Movement artifact and baseline noise contamination. Journal of Biomechanics, 43 (8): 1573- 1579, 2010. PMID: 20206934 (PDF)
- Roy SH, Cheng MS, Chang SS, Moore J, de Luca G, Nawab SH, and De Luca CJ. A combined sEMG and accelerometer system for monitoring functioal activity in stroke. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(6): 585-594, 2009. PMID:20071273 (PDF)
- Contessa P, Adam A, De Luca CJ. Motor unit control and force fluctuation during fatigue. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107:235-243, 2009. PMID: 19390005. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Gonzalez-Cueto JA, and Adam A. Motor unit recruitment and proprioceptive feedback decrease the common drive. Journal of Neurophysiology, 101:1620-1628, 2008. PMID: 18562556. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Wotiz RP, and De Luca CJ. Decomposition of indwelling EMG signals. Journal of Applied Physiology, 105: 700-710, 2008. PMID: 18483170. (PDF)
- Lee J, Adam A, and De Luca CJ. A simulation study for a surface EMG sensor that detects distiguishable motor unit action potentials. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 168: 54-63, 2008. PMID: 18029025. (PDF)
- Roy SH, De Luca G, Cheng S, Johansson A, Gilmore LD, and De Luca CJ. Electro-Mechanical stability of surface EMG sensors. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 45: 447-457, 2007. PMID: 17458582. (PDF)
- Sauvage C, Manto M, Adam A, Roark R, Jissendi P, and De Luca CJ. Ordered motor unit firing behavior in acute cerebellar stroke. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96: 2769-2774, 2006. PMID: 16760349. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Adam A, Wotiz R, Gilmore LD, and Nawab SH. Decomposition of surface EMG signals. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96: 1646-1657, 2006. PMID: 16899649. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Buccafusco J, Roy SH, De Luca G, and Nawab SH. The EMG signal as a pre-symptomatic indicator of organophosphates in the body.Muscle & Nerve, 33: 369-376, 2006. PMID: 16307441. (PDF)
- Adam A and De Luca CJ. Firing rates of motor units in human Vastus Lateralis muscle during fatiguing isometric contractions. Journal of Applied Physiology, 99: 268-280, 2005. PMID: 16036904. (PDF)
- Meyer PF, Oddsson L, and De Luca CJ. Reduced plantar sensitivity alters postural responses to lateral perturbations of balance. Experimental Brain Research, 157: 526-536, 2004. PMID: 15029466. (PDF)
- Meyer PF, Oddsson L, and De Luca CJ. The role of plantar cutaneous afferents in the control of unperturbed stance. Experimental Brain Research, 156: 505-512, 2004. PMID: 14968274. (PDF)
- Adam A and De Luca CJ. Recruitment order of motor units in human Vastus Lateralis muscle is maintained during fatiguing contractions. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90: 2919-2927, 2003. PMID: 14615422. (PDF)
- Westad C, Westgaard FH, and De Luca CJ. Motor unit recruitement and derecruitement induced by brief periods of elevated force in the human trapezius muscle. Journal of Physiology, 552: 645-656, 2003. PMCID: PMC 2343389. (PDF)
- Oddsson L and De Luca CJ. Activation imbalances in lumbar spine muscles in the presence of chronic low back pain. Journal of Applied Physiology 94: 1410-1420, 2003. PMID: 12482760. (PDF)
- Roark R, Li J, Schaefer S, Adam A, and De Luca CJ. Multiple motor unit recordings of laryngeal muscles: the technique of vector laryngeal EMG. The Laryngoscope Journal, 112: 2196-2203, 2002. PMID: 12461341. (PDF)
- Kollmitzer J, Oddsson L, Ebenbichler GR, Giphart E, and De Luca CJ. Postural control during lifting. Journal of Biomechanics, 35: 585-594, 2002. DOI# 10.1016/S0021-9290(01)00238-X. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Erim Z. Common drive in motor units of a synergistic muscle pair. Journal of Neurophysiology, 87: 2200-2204, 2002. PMID: 11929938. (PDF)
- Bonato P, Roy SH, Knaflitz M, and De Luca CJ. Time-frequency parameters of the surface myoelectric signal for assessing muscle fatigue during cyclic dynamic contractions. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 48: 745-753, 2001. PMID: 11442286. (PDF)
- Westgaard RH and De Luca CJ. Motor control of low-threshold motor units in the human trapezius muscle. Journal of Neurophysiology, 85: 1777-1781, 2001. PMID: 11287499. (PDF)
- Erim Z, Beg MF, Burke DT, and De Luca CJ. Effects of aging on motor unit control properties. Journal of Neurophysiology, 82: 2081-2091, 1999. PMID: 10561389. (PDF)
- Westgaard RH and De Luca CJ. Motor unit substitution in long duration contractions of the human trapezius muscle. Journal of Neurophysiology, 82: 501-504, 1999. PMID: 10400978. (PDF)
- Trepman E, Gellman RE, Micheli LJ, and De Luca CJ. Electromyographic analysis of grand-plié in ballet and modern dancers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30: 1708-1720, 1998. PMID: 9861604. (PDF)
- Adam A, De Luca CJ, Erim Z. Hand dominance and motor unit firing behavior. Journal of Neurophysiology, 80: 1373-1382, 1998. PMID: 9744946. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. The use of surface electromyography in biomechanics. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 13: 135-163, 1997. (PDF)
- Oddsson L, Giphart JE, Buijs RC, Roy SH, Taylor HP, and De Luca CJ. Development of new protocols and analysis procedures for the assessment of LBP by surface EMG techniques. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 34:415-426, 1997. PMID: 9323645. (PDF)
- Roy SH, De Luca CJ, Emley M, Classification of back muscle impairment based on the surface electromyographic signal. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 34: 405-414, 1997. PMID: 9323644.(PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Foley PJ, and Erim Z. Motor unit control properties in constant-force isometric contractions. Journal of Neurophysiology, 76: 1503-16, 1996. PMID: 8890270. (PDF)
- Erim Z, De Luca CJ, Mineo K, and Aoki T. Rank-ordered regulation of motor units. Muscle and Nerve, 19: 563-573, 1996. PMID: 8618553. (PDF)
- Collins JJ, De Luca CJ, Pavlik AE, Roy SH, and Emley MS. The effects of spaceflight on open-looped and closed-loop postural control mechanisms: Human neurovestibular studies on SLS-2. Experimental Brain Research, 107: 145-150, 1995. PMID: 8751072. (PDF)
- Mitchell SL, Collins JJ, De Luca CJ, Burrows A, and Lipsitz LA. Open-loop and closed-loop control mechanisms in Parkinson’s Disease: Increased mediolateral activity during quiet standing. Neuroscience Letters, 197: 133-136, 1995. PMID: 8552278. (PDF)
- Kupa EJ, Roy SH, Kandarian SC, and De Luca CJ. Effects of muscle fiber type and size on EMG median frequency and conduction velocity. Journal of Applied Physiology, 79: 23-32, 1995. PMID: 7559225. (PDF)
- Collins JJ, De Luca CJ, Burrows A, and Lipsitz LA. Age-related changes in open-loop and closed-loop postural control mechanisms. Experimental Brain Research, 104: 480-492, 1995. PMID: 7589299. (PDF)
- Collins JJ and De Luca CJ. The effects of visual input on open-loop and closed-loop postural control mechanisms. Experimental Brain Research, 103: 151-163, 1995. PMID: 7615030. (PDF)
- Collins JJ and De Luca CJ. Upright, correlated random walks: a statistical-biomechanics approach to the human postural control system. CHAOS, 5: 57-63, 1995. PMID: 12780156. (PDF)
- Roy SH, De Luca CJ, Emley M, and Buijs R. Spectral EMG assessment of back muscles in patients with LBP undergoing rehabilitation. Spine, 20:38-48, 1995. (PDF)
- Merletti R, De Luca CJ, and Sathyan D. Electrically evoked myoelectric signals in back muscles: effect of side dominance. Journal of Applied Physiology, 77:2,104-2,114, 1994. PMID: 7868422. (PDF)
- Kiryu T, De Luca CJ, and Saitoh Y. AR modeling of myoelectric interference signals during a ramp contraction. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 41: 1031-1038, 1994. PMID: 8001992. (PDF)
- Simms RW, Roy SH, Hrovat M, Anderson JJ, Skrinar G, LePoole SR, Zerbini CAF, De Luca CJ, and Jolesz F. Lack of association between fibromyalgia syndrome and abnormalities in muscle energy metabolism.Arthritis and Rheumatism, 37: 794-800, 1994. PMID: 8003050. (PDF)
- Collins JJ, De Luca CJ. Random walking during quiet standing. Physical Review Letters, 73: 764-767, 1994. PMID: 10057531. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Erim Z. Common drive of motor units in regulation of muscle force. Trends in Neuroscience, 17: 299-305, 1994. PMID: 7524216. (PDF)
- Rosenstein MT, Collins JJ, and De Luca CJ. Reconstruction expansion as a geometry-based framework for choosing proper delay times. Physica D, 73: 82-98, 1994. (PDF)
- Trepman E, Gellman RE, Solomon R, Murthy KR, Micheli LJ, and De Luca CJ. Electromyographic analysis of standing posture and demi-plié in ballet and modern dancers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26: 771-782, 1994. PMID: 8052117. (PDF)
- Young LR, Oman CM, Merfeld D, Watt D, Roy SH, De Luca CJ, Balkwill D, Christie J, Groleau N, Jackson DK, Law G, Modestino S, and Mayer W. Spatial orientation and posture during and following weightlessness: human experiments on Spacelab Life Sciences 1. Journal of Vestibular Research, 3: 231-239, 1993. PMID: 8275259. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Roy AM, and Erim Z. Synchronization of motor unit firings in human muscles. Journal of Neurophysiology, 70: 2010-2023, 1993. PMID: 8294967. (PDF)
- Collins JJ and De Luca CJ. Open-loop and closed-loop control of posture: a random-walk analysis of center-of-pressure trajectories. Experimental Brain Research, 95: 308-318, 1993. PMID: 8224055. (PDF)
- Rosenstein MT, Collins JJ, and De Luca CJ. A practical method for calculating largest Lyapunov exponents from small data sets. Physica D, 65: 117-134, 1993. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Use of the surface EMG signal for performance evaluation of back muscles. Muscle and Nerve, 16: 210-216, 1993. PMID: 8429847. (PDF)
- Merletti R, Knaflitz M, and De Luca CJ. Electrically evoked myoelectric signals. CRC Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 19: 293-340, 1992. PMID: 1563271. (PDF)
- Kamen G and De Luca CJ. Firing rate interactions among human orbicularis oris motor units. International Journal of Neuroscience, 64: 167-175, 1992. PMID: 1342036. (PDF)
- Kamen G, Greenstein S, and De Luca CJ. Lateral dominance and motor unit firing behavior. Brain Research, 576: 165-167, 1992. PMID: 1515908. (PDF)
- Brody LR, Pollock MT, Roy SH, De Luca CJ, and Celli B. pH induced effects on median frequency and conduction velocity of the myoelectric signal. Journal of Applied Physiology, 71: 1878-1885, 1991. PMID: 1761486. (PDF)
- Masakado Y, Kamen G, and De Luca CJ. Effect of percutaneous stimulation on motor unit firing rate behavior in man. Experimental Brain Research, 86: 426-432, 1991. DOI: 10.1007/BF00228968. (PDF)
- Ladin Z, Murthy KR, and De Luca CJ. The effects of external bending moments on lumbar muscle force distribution. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 113: 284-294, August, 1991. PMID: 1921355. (PDF)
- Klein AB, Snyder-Mackler L, Roy SH, De Luca CJ. Comparison of spinal mobility and isometric trunk extensor forces with EMG spectral analysis in identifying LBP. Physical Therapy, 71: 445-454, 1991. (PDF)
- Masuda T and De Luca CJ. Recruitment threshold and muscle fiber conduction velocity of single motor units. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 1: 116-123, 1991. PMID: 20870501. (PDF)
- Masuda T and De Luca CJ. A technique for detecting MUAP propagation from high threshold motor units. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 1: 75-80, 1991. PMID: 20719598. (PDF)
- Sabbahi MA and De Luca CJ. Topical anesthetic induced improvements in the mobility of patients with muscular hypertonicity: preliminary results. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, l: 41-48, 1991. PMID: 20719594. (PDF)
- Merletti R, Knaflitz M, and De Luca CJ. Myoelectric manifestations of fatigue in voluntary and electrically elicited contractions. Journal of Applied Physiology, 69: 1810-1820, 1990. PMID: 2272975. (PDF)
- DeAngelis GC, Gilmore LD, and De Luca CJ. Standardized evaluation of techniques for measuring the spectral compression of the myoelectric signal. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 37: 844-849, 1990. PMID: 2227971. (PDF)
- Roy SH, De Luca CJ, Snyder-Mackler L, Emley MS, Crenshaw RL, and Lyons JP. Fatigue, recovery, and low back pain in varsity rowers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 22: 463-469, 1990. PMID: 2144887. (PDF)
- Knaflitz M, Merletti R, and De Luca CJ. Inference of motor unit recruitment order in voluntary and electrically elicited contractions. Journal of Applied Physiology, 68: 1657-1667, 1990. PMID: 2347805. (PDF)
- Ladin Z, Murthy KR, and De Luca CJ. Mechanical recruitment of low back muscles: theoretical predictions and experimental validation. Spine, 14: 927-938, 1989. PMID: 2781410. (PDF)
- Roy SH, De Luca CJ, Casavant DA. Lumbar muscle fatigue and chronic lower back pain. Spine, 14: 992-1001, 1989. PMID: 2528828. (PDF)
- Kamen G and De Luca CJ. Unusual motor unit firing behavior in older adults. Brain Research, 482: 136-140, 1989. PMID: 2706472. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Merletti R. Surface myoelectric crosstalk among muscles of the leg. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 69: 568-575, 1988. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Mambrito B. Voluntary control of motor units in human antagonist muscles: reciprocal activation and co-activation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 58: 525-542, 1987. (PDF)
- Rudin NJ, Gilmore LD,Roy SH, and De Luca CJ. New motor control assessment techniques for evaluating individuals with severe handicaps: a case study. Journal for Rehabilitation Research and Development, 24: 57-74, 1987. PMID: 2957494. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Bloom LJ, and Gilmore LD. Compression induced damage on in-situ severed and intact nerves. Orthopedics, 10: 777-784, 1987. PMID: 3588422. (PDF)
- Roy SH, De Luca CJ, and Schneider J. Effects of electrode location on myoelectric conduction velocity and median frequency estimates. Journal of Applied Physiology, 61: 1510-1517, 1986. PMID: 3781964. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Sabbahi MA, and Roy SH. Median frequency of the myoelectric signal: effects of hand dominance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 55: 457-464, 1986. PMID: 3769901. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Control properties of motor units. Journal of Experimental Biology, 115: 125-136, 1985. PMID: 4031760. (PDF)
- Broman H, De Luca CJ, and Mambrito B. Motor unit recruitment and firing rates interaction in the control of human muscles. Brain Research,337: 311-319, 1985. PMID: 3161581. (PDF)
- Broman H, Bilotto G, and De Luca CJ. A note on non-invasive estimation of muscle fiber conduction velocity. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 32: 341-344, 1985. PMID: 3997188. (PDF)
- Broman H, Bilotto G, and De Luca CJ. Myoelectric signal conduction velocity and spectral parameters: influence of force and time. Journal of Applied Physiology, 58: 1428-1437, 1985. PMID: 3997710. (PDF)
- Gilmore LD and De Luca CJ. Muscle fatigue monitor (MFM): second generation. IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering, 32: 75-78, 1985. PMID: 3980036. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Myoelectric manifestations of localized muscular fatigue. CRC Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 11: 251-279, 1984. PMID: 6391814. (PDF)
- McCarthy C and De Luca CJ. A myofeedback instrument for clinical use. Journal for Rehabilitation Research and Development, 21: 39-44, 1984. PMID: 6530674. (PDF)
- Mambrito B and De Luca CJ. A technique for the detection, decomposition and analysis of the EMG signal. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 58: 175-188, 1984. PMID: 6204844. (PDF)
- Merletti R, Sabbahi MA, and De Luca CJ. Median frequency of the myoelectric signal. Effects of ischemia and cooling. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 52: 258-265, 1984. PMID: 6539676. (PDF)
- Lawrence JH and De Luca CJ. The myoelectric signal versus force relationship in different human muscles. Journal of Applied Physiology, 54: 1653-1659, 1983. PMID: 6874489. (PDF)
- Sabbahi MA, and De Luca CJ. Topical anesthesia: modulation of the monosynaptic reflexes by desensitization of the skin. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 54: 677-688, 1982. PMID: 618310. (PDF)
- Stulen FB and De Luca CJ. Muscle fatigue monitor: a non-invasive device for observing localized muscular fatigue. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 29: 760-768, 1982. PMID: 7173943. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, LeFever RS, McCue MP, and Xenakis AP. Control scheme governing concurrently active human motor units during voluntary contractions. Journal of Physiology, 329: 129-142, 1982. PMID: 7143247. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, LeFever RS, McCue MP, and Xenakis AP. Behavior of human motor units in different muscles during linearly-varying contractions. Journal of Physiology, 329: 113-128, 1982. PMID: 7143246. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Gilmore LD, Bloom LJ, Thomson SJ, Cudworth AL, and Glimcher MJ. Long-term neuroelectric signal recordings from severed nerves. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 29: 393-403, 1982. PMID: 7106789. (PDF)
- LeFever RS, Xenakis AP, and De Luca CJ. A procedure for decomposing the myoelectric signal into its constituent action potentials: part II – execution and test for accuracy. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,29: 158-164, 1982. PMID: 7084949. (PDF)
- LeFever RS and De Luca CJ. A procedure for decomposing the myoelectric signal into its constituent action potentials: part I – technique, theory and implementation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 29: 149-157, 1982. PMID: 7084948. (PDF)
- Sabbahi MA and De Luca CJ. Topical anesthesia: H-reflex recovery changes by desensitization of the skin. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 52: 328-335, 1981. PMID: 6169509. (PDF)
- Sabbahi MA, De Luca CJ, and Powers WR. Topical anesthesia: a possible treatment method for spasticity. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 62: 310-314, 1981. PMID: 7247657. (PDF)
- Stulen FB and De Luca CJ. Frequency parameters of the myoelectric signal as a measure of muscle conduction velocity. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 28: 515-523, 1981. PMID: 7275132. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Physiology and mathematics of myoelectric signals. IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering, 26: 313-325, 1979. PMID: 468280. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, LeFever RS, and Stulen FB. Pasteless electrode for clinical use. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 17: 387-390, 1979. PMID: 317337. (PDF)
- Lichtenberg BK and De Luca CJ. Distinguishability of functionally-distinct evoked neuroelectric signals on the surface of a nerve. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 26: 228-229, 1979. PMID: 437804. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Control of upper-limb prostheses: a case for neuroelectric control. Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology, 2: 57-61, 1978. PMID: 264209. (PDF)
- Stulen FB and De Luca CJ. The relation between the myoelectric signal and physiological properties of constant force isometric contractions. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 45: 681-698, 1978. PMID: 84737. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Gilmore LD. Voluntary nerve signals from severed mammalian nerves: long- term recordings. Science, 191: 193-195, 1976. PMID: 1246608. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Van Dyk EJ. Derivations of some parameters of myoelectric signals recorded during constant-force isometric contractions. Biophysical Journal, 15: 1167-1180, 1975. PMCID: PMC 1334801. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. A model for a motor unit train recorded during constant force isometric contractions. Biological Cybernetics, 19:159-167, 1975. PMID: 1174585. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Forrest WJ. Force analysis of individual muscles acting simultaneously on the shoulder joint during isometric abduction. Journal of Biomechanics, 6: 385-393, 1973. PMID: 4732938. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Forrest WJ. Some properties of motor unit action potential trains recorded during constant force isometric contractions in man. Kybernetik, 12: 160-168, 1973. PMID: 4712973. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Forrest WJ. An electrode for recording single motor unit activity during strong muscle contractions. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 19: 367-372, 1972. PMID: 5038391. (PDF)
Conference Papers
- Cole BT, Roy SH, De Luca CJ, Nawab SH. Dynamic Neural Network Detection of Tremor and Dyskinesia from Wearable Sensor Data, The 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Argentina, September 2010. (PDF)
- Deng Y, Patel R, Heaton JT, Colby G, Gilmore LD, Cabrera J, Roy SH, De Luca CJ, Meltzner GS. Disordered Speech Recognition Using Acoustic and sEMG SignalsInterspeech, Brighton UK, September 2009. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Chang SS, De Luca CJ. Surface EMG Signal Decomposition Using Empirically Sustainable BioSignal Separation Principles, The 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Minneapolis, September 2009. (PDF)
- Colby G, Heaton JT, Gilmore LD, Sroka J, Bend Y, Cabrera J, Roy SH, De Luca CJ, and Meltzner GS. Sensor Subset Selection for Surface Electromyography Based Speech Recognition, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Las Vegas, March – April 2008. (PDF)
- Meltzner GS, Sroka J, Heaton JT, Gilmore LD, Colby G, Roy SH, Chen N, and De Luca CJ. Speech Recognition for Vocalized and Subvocal Modes of Production Using Surface EMG Signals from the Neck and Face, Interspeech, Brisbane, Australia, September 2008. (PDF)
- Chang SS, De Luca CJ, and Nawab SH. Aliasing Rejection in Precision Decomposition of EMG Signals, The 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vancouver, August 2008. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Wotiz R, and De Luca CJ. Multi-Receiver Precision Decomposition of Intramuscular EMG Signals, The 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, New York, September 2006. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Roy SH, and De Luca CJ. Functional Activity Monitoring From Wearable Sensor Data, The 26th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco: 979-982, September 2004. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Wotiz R, and De Luca CJ. Improved Resolution of Pulse Superpositions in a Knowledge-Based System for EMG Decomposition, The 26th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco: 162, September 2004. (PDF)
- Agarabi M, Bonato P, and De Luca CJ. An sEMG-based Method for Assessing the design of Computer Mice, The 26th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco: 301-302, September 2004. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Wotiz R, and De Luca CJ. Resolving EMG Pulse Superpositions Via Utility Maximimization. Proceedings of the 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatcs, Orlando, FL: 233-236, July 2004. (PDF)
- Adam A and De Luca CJ. Motor Unit Control In Human Vastus Lateralis Muscle During Fatigue. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Springfield, MA: 194-195, April 2004. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Wotiz R, Hochstein L, and De Luca CJ. Next-Generation Decomposition of Multi-Channel EMG Signals, Proceedings of the Second Joint Meeting of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and the Biomedical Engineering Society, Houston: 36-37, October 2002. (PDF)
- Nawab SH, Wotiz R, Hochstein L, and De Luca CJ. Improved Decomposition of Intramuscular EMG Signals, SCI-2002: Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, XI: 274-279, July 2002. (PDF)
Book Chapters
- De Luca CJ. Electromyography. In: Webster JG (Ed). Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, John Wiley Publisher, 98-109, 2006. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Adam A. Decomposition and analysis of intramuscular electromyographic signals. In: Windhorst U and Johasson H. (Eds). Modern Techniques on Neuroscience Research, Heidelberg: Springer, 757-776, 1999. (PDF)
- Roy SH and De Luca CJ. Surface electromyographic assessment of low back pain. In: Kumar S and Mital M (Eds). Electromyography in Ergonomics: Fundamentals, Applications and Case Studies, London: Taylor and Francis, 259-295, 1996. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Spectral compression of the EMG signal as an index of muscle fatigue. In: Sargeant AJ and Kernell D (Eds). Neuromuscular Fatigue, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 44-51, 1993. (PDF)
- Merletti R and De Luca CJ. Crosstalk in surface electromyography. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). Computer-Aided Electromyography and Expert Systems, Elsevier, Holland, 137-142, 1989. (PDF)
- Roy SH and De Luca CJ. Evolving characteristics of the median frequency of the EMG signal. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). Computer-Aided Electromyography and Expert Systems, Elsevier, Holland, 205-221, 1989. (PDF)
- Merletti R and De Luca CJ. New techniques in surface electromyography. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). Computer-Aided Electromyography and Expert Systems, Elsevier, Holland, 115-124, 1989. (PDF)
- Kamen G and De Luca CJ. Motor unit firing behavior in the aged. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). Computer-Aided Electromyography and Expert Systems, Elsevier, Holland, 231-238, 1989. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Control properties of motor units: evolving concepts. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). Computer-Aided Electromyography and Expert Systems, Elsevier, Holland, 103-109, 1989. (PDF)
- Stashuk D and De Luca CJ. Update on the decomposition and analysis of EMG signals. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). Computer-Aided Electromyography and Expert Systems, Elsevier, Holland, 39-47, 1989. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Reflections on EMG signal decomposition. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). Computer-Aided Electromyography and Expert Systems, Elsevier, Holland, 33-37, 1989. (PDF)
- Anderson G, Bogduk N, De Luca CJ, Goldenberg D, Mayer T, Roy SH, and Smidt G. Muscle. In: New Perspectives on Low Back Pain, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Symposium, 291-334, 1989. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Electromyography. In: Webster JG (Ed). Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, John Wiley Publisher, 1111-1120, 1986. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Creigh JL. Do the firing statistics of motor units modify the frequency component of the EMG signal during sustained contractions? In: Biomechanics, Int. Series on Biomechanics, 5A, Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc, 358-362, 1985. (PDF)
- Mambrito B and De Luca CJ. Acquisition and decomposition of the electromyographic signal. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). Progress in Clinical Neurophysiology 10: Computer-Aided Electromyography, Karger, Basel, 52-72, 1983. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ, Sabbahi MA, Stulen FB, and Bilotto G. Some properties of the median frequency of the myoelectric signal during localized muscular fatigue. In: Knuttgen HG, Vogel JA, and Poortmans J (Eds). Biochemistry of Excercise, Human Kinetics, Inc, 13: 175-186, 1983. (PDF)
- Winter DA, Rau G, Kadefors R, Broman H, and De Luca CJ. Units, terms and standards in the reporting of EMG research. International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 1980. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Towards understanding the EMG signal. In: Basmajian JV, Muscles Alive, 4th edition, Baltimore Williams and Wilkins, 53-78, 1979. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ. Considerations for using the nerve signal as a control source for above-elbow prostheses. In: Advances in External Control of Human Extremities, Jugoslav Committee for Electronics and Automation, Belgrade, 101-112, 1975. (PDF)
- De Luca CJ and Forrest WJ. Probability distribution function of the inter-pulse intervals of single motor unit action potentials during isometric contractions. In: Desmedt JE (Ed). New Developments in Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Karger, Basel, 638-647, 1973. (PDF)